The Blog


The Blog


If nothing else, I sure do love transparency. The chance to learn and grow from being honest with ourselves and honest with others…

My Cringe-Worthy Design Story…

logo design

Using a logo as a starting place for building your brand is like trying to build a house, roof first. A roof is great. ESSENTIAL, even. But ya can’t start there. Any builder would find such a request laughable. The roof only makes sense in context of the entire structure – foundation, walls, etc…

You Don’t Need A Logo (at least not yet)…

Look, I get it. I don’t know of a single entrepreneur who didn’t start out DIY’ing everything. It’s in our blood. We want to save money, and more importantly, we can’t hack hiring someone to do what we feel we SHOULD be able to do ourselves.

DIY – Are You Stuck In The Endless Cycle?

DIY, do-it-yourself
Four things to consider before designing your new logo

Life is exciting and business is going well (congrats!). The fact that you’ve stumbled upon this post means that you might even be looking to elevate your brand with a new logo… Before you get too knee-deep in the never-ending Pinterest and Etsy searches, here are a few things to consider before purchasing or designing that new logo.

4 Things To Consider Before Designing Your Logo